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Riché Richardson Art Quilts
Political Series
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"The Ties that Bind: John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kennedy." Composition 2002-04

"A Tie, Too?": Malcolm X." Composition 2002-04

"Clarence Thomas’s High Tech Lynching?: Inferior Court Justice to Be"(Political Series). Composition 2002-12

“Obama Time: Always (Congratulations, Mr. President!)” (Political Series). Composition 2008-09

“The Magnificent Michelle Obama, Our First Lady: ‘Strength and Honor are Her Clothing’(Proverbs 31: 25)”(Political Series). Composition 2009

“The Journey of Condoleezza Rice.” Composition 2012

"Condoleezza Rice: From Birmingham to the White House" (Alabama Women Series, Political Series). Composition 2011- 2012

“’W’: President George W. Bush, #43.” Composition 2013-14
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“Mary McLeod Bethune: One of America’s Greatest Sweethearts and the World’s Best Leaders.” Composition 2012-2014
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